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Registration Information


In-person or Online? Please tell us your plans for attending PLL4 so we can book

the venues, meals, and transportation for the appropriate number of delegates. Please fill out the Google Form to let us know how you (and your co-authors, if applicable) are planning to attend PLL4 (online or in-person). This is not a registration form, we simply will use this information for counting how many people are planning to come in-person (this form also allows you to revise your abstract). The Google Form can be found at this link:

Deadline: May 8, 2022



New Registrations.

PLL4 registration is open now. Please read the instructions below before registering.


Click Here to register for PLL4.

Or paste the following link into your browser.





Check Previous Registration.

If you registered for the conference originally scheduled for 2020, click the link to check your registration status. This link does not have information on recent registrations (completed since November 2021).


PLL4 was re-scheduled from June 2020 to June 2022. Registrations paid for the original dates will be carried forward to 2022, and IAPLL memberships active in 2020 have been extended to the end of 2022. If you registered in 2020 you can check the status of your previous registration using the above link.



Conference Fee Structure (rates remain unchanged from 2020). We are using Eventbrite to process registrations (click the "Tickets" button). Applicable tax and processing fees extra.




New Registrations
$399 – Main Conference Registration – includes IAPLL Membership
$250 – Main Conference Registration – includes Student Member ship (with proof of student status*)
$200 - One day registration fee Thursday or Friday (IAPLL member)


$175 - One day registration fee Saturday (includes excursion)



Online participation (upload your pre-recorded presentation; view other presentations, symposia, and plenaries)

$139 - Main Conference

  $99 - Student (with proof of student status*)


All participants registering for the full in-person and online conference will receive a bonus, FREE membership in IAPLL to the end of 2023 (not available with one-day registration).


*Student status includes undergraduate/graduate students and Post Docs. Please download, complete, and send the Proof of Student Status Form (choose: PDFDOCX format) to pll4.conference



Optional Add On(s)


1. IAPLL Membership (if purchased in CAD as an "Add-on" with conference registration)
$60 IAPLL Membership Fee (approximately $50 USD)
$30 IAPLL Student Membership Fee (approximately $25 USD)


2. Pre-Conference in-person only, not online (June 22, 2022)

Mobilizing Positive Psychology in SLA. This day-long event will feature leading scholars in the field as plenary speakers, presentations of completed projects, works-in progress and new projects as idea posters that focus on the theme of positive psychology in SLA. 

  $40 Pre-Conference Registration (early bird fee, until May 8)
$135 Pre-Conference Registration (after May 8)


3. Companion Program (for those not attending the conference):

We are working with Destination Cape Breton to construct a fantastic tourist experience for companions not attending the conference. More information will be available on IAPLL as details are worked out.

$30 -  Thursday (includes opening reception on Wednesday)

$30 -  Friday (includes conference dinner on the waterfront on Friday)  

$30 - Saturday (includes excursion to the Louisbourg historic site on Saturday)



Peer Review

All proposals were adjudicated by the PLL4 Scientific Committee.  Submissions were evaluated for their contribution to the field in terms of quality of content, thematic relevance, quality of abstract (organization, clarity of expression).



​​​- Mobilizing Positive Psychology Pre-Conference, June 22, 2022

- Main Conference, June 23 – 25, 2022



Registration system opens November 15, 2021

Early-bird registration ends: (April 8, 2022, fees increase after that date)


Pre-Conference: June 22, 2022 (Wednesday)

Main Conference Opens: June 23, 2022 (Thursday)

Conference Dinner: June 24, 2022 (Friday)

Conference Concludes: June 25, 2022 (Saturday)


​Conference policies

  1. The working language of the conference is English; submissions, presentations, and correspondence concerning the conference will be written in English.

  2. All presenters and attendees at conference events must register and pay the required fee.  Entry to all on-site conference activities requires a valid conference badge, available at the registration desk. Guests of conference participants are permitted to attend the excursion and the conference activities (including the conference dinner) if they pay the designated fee.

  3. Presenters who are scheduled to present, but find that they are unable to attend, must provide notice to the conference organizers ( and may be eligible for a partial refund of fees paid. Those who do not show up without providing prior notice will have their names forwarded to organizers of future PLL conferences who may decide to exclude “no shows” from future PLL conferences.

  4. Conversion of registration from online to on-campus can be made by paying the difference in fees applicable at the time the conversion is made (please note, early bird registration ends on April 8, 2022 and the fees increase after that date). Conversion from on-campus to online registration can be made based on the percentages shown in #5 (Refunds) below. For clarity, the amount refunded will depend on when the registrant provides notice of the change to online participation.

  5. Refunds. Partial refunds (minus the processing fees charged by the registration company) for registration fees will be pro-rated prior to the conference depending on the notice given, as follows:

    1. January 6 until end of March 2022 - 85% refund of conference registration fees

    2. During April 2022 – 75% refund

    3. During May 2022 – 60% refund

    4. Until June 17 2022 – 50% refund

    5. After June 18 2022  or ‘no show’, no refund

  6. PLL4 conferences participants agree to abide by all policies of the host institution (Cape Breton University) and the other venues being used, including but not limited to the Covid-19 policies, non-smoking policy, violence prevention policies, and those pertaining to Safety and Respect. Consult the CBU website for relevant policies.

  7. Conference participants assume all responsibility for travel to Canada and entry into the country, including regulations and restrictions related to Covid-19.

  8. Conference attendees may have their photos taken and posted on social media.



Please email queries to:


First time visitors to Cape Breton are encouraged to visit



We look forward to welcoming you to beautiful Cape Breton Island in June 2022, come early and stay a while!


Peter MacIntyre,

PLL4 Conference Organizer



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