For Authors
The intended audience of this journal includes researchers and practitioners interested in issues connected with the psychology of language learning. These issues should be related to language learning processes and the individual characteristics of language learners and/or teachers including self-concept, motivation, identities, beliefs, agency, and emotions among others.
The first volume was published in June 2019, and the editors of JPLL welcome submissions for subsequent issues in the following four categories:
Research articles
We welcome papers of up to 8000 words including references which disseminate research connected with the psychology of language learning and teaching.
Theoretical articles
Theoretical papers which enhance our understanding of the psychological processes related to language learning and teaching are also welcome. These papers will normally be around 5000 words including references.
Summaries and work-in-progress
Occasional summaries of innovative research or works-in-progress will also be considered. These should be no more than 3000 words including references are particularly welcome by colleagues new to the field.
Book reviews
Reviews of academic books related to the psychology of language learning are welcome. These may be from related fields that might add to our understanding and application to language learning. Potential authors should check with the editors before submitting a review. Reviews should not normally be more than 3000 words including references.
General guidelines
Contributors are asked to take into account the following important factors when writing their articles:
Articles should be of interest and relevance to the readers of JPLL.
Articles should be well written and proofread by at least one peer before submission.
Articles should be formatted according to our style guidelines.
Articles should be in English (please use a consistent standard form) and follow the style guidelines indicated in this example article for authors. References should be in APA 6 style. Please include a 200 word abstract and up to 6 keywords.
The authors retain copyright over their work under a creative commons 3.0 agreement and may submit it for publication elsewhere. JPLL retains the right to publish the journal in multiple formats to maximise exposure.
All submissions are initially screened by members of the editorial board. After this initial screening, submissions are double-blind peer reviewed by experts in the field. Where possible, the editorial team provide feedback in order to help authors to reach the required publication standard. Please note that JPLL does not charge authors or potential authors any processing fees. Submit your manuscript via this manuscript submission form: SUBMISSIONS
Submission of papers: November 10th to January 10th (please note, papers will not be accepted outside these dates)
Review process: January to March
Publication: By June each year